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About sun chemistry company
About sun chemistry company The sun is chemical (Sun Chemical) it is company of big Japan printing ink (DIC) subsidiary, the whole world is the greatest presswork printing ink and painty manufacturer, the world is packed banne...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:3 Comments:0  
Sun chemistry is rolled out new-style pack presswork printing ink Tactile
Sun chemistry is rolled out new-style pack presswork printing inkTactile What company of chemistry of sun of printing ink tycoon is Tactile at rolling out a series of names recently is new-style pack presswork printing ink. Th...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:2 Comments:0  
The ability in swimming of Wuhan comes off move coating throws production
The ability in swimming of Wuhan comes off move coating throws production Mix as people living standard in last few years the ceaseless promotion that consumes a concept, smoke is paid close attention to extensively wit...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:1 Comments:0  
Steam cling to essence of life is changed (Ciba) electric printing ink
Steam cling to essence of life is changed (Ciba) electric printing ink Steam cling to essence of life is changed (Ciba) depended on its a few days ago printing ink of electric conduction of the economy of new development multi...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:2 Comments:0  
The message of manufacturer of international printing ink
The message of manufacturer of international printing ink The Chinese ink of net stamp-pad ink with important whole world and digital Printing Ink build business Nazdar, announced the company had passed Suo Ni company a few da...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:2 Comments:0  
Specialty printing brief introduction
Specialty printing brief introduction One, presswork edition material develops tendencyIn the past smooth imprint the material of flat printing plate such as craft use deep-etch plate and albumen edition, material of this kind...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:2 Comments:0  
Mandatory standard of attestation of the food material that pack is drafting in
Mandatory standard of attestation of the food material that pack is drafting inBegin from this year, what the country has drafted food to package data about the branch is mandatory attestation standard, predicting next year begin...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:3 Comments:0  
Organic light is sent become angry the application of material
Organic light is sent become angry the application of material Organic light is sent become angry material is in recent years on international new material of a kind of when appear new-style function, it already got applied in...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:2 Comments:0